Come eseguire l'ispezione dei gamberetti congelati?

Come eseguire l'ispezione dei gamberetti congelati?

L'ispezione dei gamberetti congelati comprende diversi aspetti come il campionamento del lotto effettuato, Marchi ed Etichette di verifica del prodotto, Verifica della temperatura e analisi organolettiche.

Campionamento del lotto effettuato:

Poiché i pacchetti di gamberetti sono solitamente di piccole dimensioni, 5 kg netti e 10 i kg netti per cartone sono i più comuni. Di conseguenza, un contenitore può contenerne fino a 4500 cartoni, metà di esso se il pacchetto è 10 kg per cartone. Con così tante unità di pacchetto, carrying out samples is the first step to do the shrimp inspection. As the inspector could not stay long in the cold storage warehouse, then a forklift is very helpful for taking inspecting samples at random.

Frozen shrimps inspection taking samples
Frozen shrimps inspection taking samples

Marchi ed Etichette di verifica del prodotto:

As the could storage may have different goods, with different marks and labels on, actually the verification starts from taking samples. If the same goods has batches, then verify the dates of production.

Temperature verification:

Most of cold storage warehouse have electronic thermometers outside of the storage. But some of old cold storage still uses normal thermometer inside of it. In this case, remember to read the temperature figures before you go out of it.

shrimp inspection temperature

The key process of frozen shrimps inspection

organoleptic analysis: This analysis includes exact weight of cartons-Gross weight check, exact weight of empty carton and polybag-tare weight check, and exact weight of production-net weight check as well. Usually below aspects are necessary for shrimp inspection.

-Produced of shrimp type

-Should not have rotten (dark) heads

-should match the required sizes – real count in 1 kg Frozen weight = frozen count

-crystal and smooth glazing without sharp edges

-glazing as required

-Assicurati che il tuo ordine sia stato evaso correttamente, appearance of the products

-shrimps can not be bound together

-should not have foreign smell

-whole shrimps should not be broken

-should not contain too much hoar-frost

-goods in fact should be the same as declared


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