Ispezione di frutti di mare congelati

Ispezione di frutti di mare congelati

Frozen Seafood Inspection

AiT offers frozen seafood inspections, audit, e servizi di test in tutto il mondo. I nostri servizi garantiscono la sicurezza e il rispetto degli alimenti in tutte le fasi della produzione.

Inspectors Tailored for Frozen Seafood Inspection

Today’s demanding consumers want fish and seafood with guaranteed quality and freshness. Inoltre prestano sempre più attenzione alle pratiche di approvvigionamento del marchio scelto. In questo contesto di mercato, I marchi e i rivenditori di prodotti ittici devono mantenere le loro catene di approvvigionamento in perfetta forma per rimanere competitivi.

AiT conducts a range of quality control and compliance services to ensure that your seafood products remain safe and preserve their quality from factory to shelf. Our inspectors are experienced with a wide variety of seafood products, including:

  • Fish fillets and portions: salmon, tilapia, monkfish, cod, mackerel, tuna
  • Shellfish and mollusk: prawn, scallops, clams, squid
  • Crustaceans: shrimp, crab, lobster

Frozen Seafood Inspection Expertise

AiT has extensive expertise with quality control and compliance across every segment of the seafood industry. Our inspectors are highly trained in fish and seafood identification and grading techniques, as well as assessment of fish processing procedures. Using customizable checklists, our experts prepare comprehensive inspection protocols that combine international regulations, the standards of your destination, e le tue specifiche.

Our sampling procedures follow the guidelines of the World Health Organization Food Code and ANSI/ASQC Z1.4 (ISO 2859-1), ensuring that all samples we collect are an objective representation of your shipment. We test samples at random at site, not samples your supplier wants you to test.

Ispezione di frutti di mare congelati

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