Udfordringerne og mulighederne for tredjepartsudbydere af inspektionstjenester under roman coronavirus COVID-19-pandemi

Udfordringerne og mulighederne for tredjepartsudbydere af inspektionstjenester under roman coronavirus COVID-19-pandemi

Hvad er udfordringerne og mulighederne for udbydere af tredjepartsinspektionstjenester under ny coronavirus COVID-19-pandemi?

Det nylige udbrud af det nye coronavirus COVID-19 har introduceret nye udfordringer såvel som muligheder for det internationale forretningsmiljø for tredjepartsinspektionstjenesteudbydere.

Når kriser og pandemier opstår, passende beredskab og en proaktiv reaktion kan hjælpe din virksomhed med at navigere i udfordrende tider.

New challenges to third party inspection service providers

The first challenge is the inspection order numbers have been decreased greatly. Most of importers have canceled or delayed their purchasing orders due to novel coronavirus outbreak. The inspection demand has been decreased greatly, too. It is said the international trade amount has decreased 60% in the first quarter of year 2020. Sure it is, the inspection orders will decrease accordingly.

The second challenge is the cost for performing inspection has increased instead. As traveling cost and time for inspectors will be increased during this period, although it is ok to travel around in China now. It does not reach the level before novel coronavirus outbreaking.

The last challenge is normal inspection service can not meet clients requirements. Because of lockdown, the inspectors of importers are not allowed to visit their manufacturers. In this case the inspectors of third party inspection service providers should be of more expertise of quality of products, production method, process and productive cycle. So that they can make a deeper inspection, but search for the reasons for any defects and the correction and solution for them.

Opportunities to third party inspection service providers

Those companies who can provide more tailor-made inspection services will get more opportunities.

Those companies who are specializing in the inspection of Anti-epidemic materials such as masks, protective suits etc., have more opportunities. Because more companies purchase these products from China. And this kind of orders have been increased with thousands of times.

Those companies who provide value-added service will get more opportunities. A ambiguous report as some of companies provide is absolutely unacceptable for importers under this condition. We not only provide a clear report, but also include solutions on the report if the result is failed.

Please simply send your questions when you have any about quality inspection service for your products.

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