Beklædning Dart inspektion

Beklædning Dart inspektion

Beklædningsgenstands-inspektion er en god kvalitetskontrolmetode, der udføres under produktionscheckfasen. Hvad er en Dart?

En pil er en stofmanipulationsteknik, der giver stoffet en tredimensionel kontur ved at folde stoffet sammen og sy det til et punkt- dybest set giver form til en beklædningsgenstand. Det fremhæver kroppens kurver og giver tøjet den rigtige pasform.

Dart tager stoffet ind i en del af tøjet og indsnævrer til et punkt ved et andet, hvilket skaber fylde ved det indsnævrede afsnit.

Garments Darts Inspection Checklist

Darts must be in correct shapes

There are two types of darts

  1. Single pointed dart – wide at one end and tapered at the other. It is V shaped. It is used on skirts, pants etc.
  2. Double pointed Dart – Tapered at both ends with width at the center ; It is also called a body dart.

Darts must be in correct positions

There are sections of the body which are more full than other parts – like the derriere / hip , bust. This fullness is given on clothes with strategic placements of darts. The dart is drawn as triangular sections which taper to nothing

Inspect the darts on the right and left sides of the garment

If having the same placement, length and depth. A deviation in this symmetry can make your garment lopsided.

Darts measurement must be within tolerances

2 measurements of Darts are Length and Depth. The larger the size is, the deeper the darts have to be.

Darts numbers must be correct

The more curves in the figure, the more darts are necessary to give a good fit.

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