Tredjeparts test af klimaanlæg

Tredjeparts test af klimaanlæg

Gree Electric Appliances Inc har beskyldt Aux Group for at producere og sælge klimaanlæg, der ikke er standard. Det ser ud til, at denne sommer opvarmes af to klimaanlægsproducenter inden 6.18 shopping festival, som blev oprettet af e-handelsgiganten for at fejre sit jubilæum. Fra begge siders meddelelser, vi kan se, at Gree har fået nok beviser trin for trin, hvilket viser, at de har forberedt det med formål, selvom de selv benægtede dette. Indtil nu, Gree har gjort 3 trin, to gather the evidences to be against Aux.
1. Gree has bought Aux products, to test them in their own testing facilities, to get some evidences.
2. Gree has sent some samples, to a third party testing agent, to get more evidences.
3. Gree takes apart Aux products publicly, to get direct evidences.

Third party testing agent role

The third party testing reports, surely will be presented to the regulator, are one of the most important evidences. Alligevel, customers all will benefit from their battle.

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