Осмотр одежды на липучке

Осмотр одежды на липучке

Velcro - торговая марка, фирменное наименование типа скрепляющей ленты, состоящей из противоположных кусков ткани, одна часть с плотным расположением крошечных нейлоновых крючков, а другая с плотным нейлоновым ворсом, эта блокировка при нажатии вместе, used as a closure on garments, багаж, и т.п., in place of buttons, молнии, and the like. It has become so popular in the clothing, shoe, and automotive industries (among others) for its ability to provide a firm grip under tension but come apart easily when necessary, that it has become the name of the product.

Velcro is an easy way to fasten clothing as well as keeping clothing and other items in place. There are many items out that have Velcro attached, such as shirts, coats, and shoes. You can attach Velcro to any piece of clothing with a little patience and creativity.

Velcro Garments Inspection is the inspection method to garments with Velcro on so that the garments have a good quality.

Осмотр одежды на липучке
Осмотр одежды на липучке

Children’s Velcro Garments Inspection

  • It is recommended that soft qualities of Velcro is used on garments for baby and children.
  • Мужская часть (колючая часть с крючками) следует направлять подальше от тела ребенка во избежание истирания кожи.
  • Velcro used on garments must have trimmed corners, предпочтительно округлый, or sewn with no exposed edges. Nor sharp edges allowed.
  • The colour of the male part and female part should match. And both matches the base fabric when they are matching colour unless they are contrast.

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