Testarea de către terți a aparatelor de aer condiționat

Testarea de către terți a aparatelor de aer condiționat

Gree Electric Appliances Inc a acuzat Aux Group că produce și vinde aparate de aer condiționat de calitate inferioară. Se pare că vara aceasta se încălzește de către doi producători de aparate de aer condiționat înainte de 6.18 festival de cumpărături, care a fost creat de gigantul e-commerce JD.com pentru a sărbători aniversarea sa. From the announcements of both sides, we can see Gree has got enough evidences step by step, which shows they have prepared it with purposes, although they denied this themselves. So far, Gree has done 3 trepte, to gather the evidences to be against Aux.
1. Gree has bought Aux products, to test them in their own testing facilities, to get some evidences.
2. Gree has sent some samples, to a third party testing agent, to get more evidences.
3. Gree takes apart Aux products publicly, to get direct evidences.

Third party testing agent role

The third party testing reports, surely will be presented to the regulator, are one of the most important evidences. Oricum, customers all will benefit from their battle.

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