Quais são os pontos para inspecionar as abas das roupas?

Quais são os pontos para inspecionar as abas das roupas?

A Inspeção de Carteiras de Vestimenta refere-se à inspeção de carcela de peças de vestuário que fazem peças de boa qualidade.
Na indústria de vestuário, uma carcela se refere tanto a uma fenda na roupa quanto a camadas de tecido que podem ser usadas para esconder tal fenda. While they can appear anywhere in clothing, the term is often used specifically to refer to the button down front of a jacket or blouse.
A placket in a garment is usually at Zone A, one of the most important part of it. It is often with trims like zipper, botões, snaps or rivets on. Therefore it is very often with stress points, which are bar-tacked or reinforced as necessary.

Garments Plackets Inspection

• Must be interfaced with a compatible products.
• Must not pucker at seams, especially not at the base of the placket.
• Plackets must be inspected at both sides.
• The stitches on plackets must be nice and even.

garments placket inspection
garments placket inspection

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