Inspeção de acessórios de vestuário

Inspeção de acessórios de vestuário

Para garantir a melhor qualidade das roupas, cada item de acessórios de vestuário de cada pedido & O estilo deve ser inspecionado seguindo os Sistemas de Controle de Qualidade.

Inicialmente, os inspetores de controle de qualidade responsáveis ​​coletarão todos os tipos de documentos necessários, incluindo a aprovação da pessoa responsável em relação a esses acessórios antes de iniciar a inspeção em qualquer acessório de recebimento.

Então, de acordo com o AQL, essas mercadorias devem ser inspecionadas aleatoriamente de acordo com a Inspeção Geral Nível I do recebimento do qty. During the inspection if the defect qty is more than AQL allowed, either AQL 2.5 for Major defects or AQL 4.0 for Minor defects is exceeding, the inspection result will be failed.

After that, the non-conformity report against problematic goods will be submitted to the concern persons for reviewing. Then those accessories (failed qty) have to be disposed according to the written decision by authorized persons for quarantining the defective goods.

Pls note, if found a few pcs such problem-wrong information goods, mixed colors & mixed sizes in a delivery pack, it must be informed to the concern persons through the non-conformity report for reviewing. Because there is no acceptable quality level in this kind of problem.

After Garment Accessories Inspection

Even the garment accessories inspection passed the AQL inspection, the workers still need to be trained to inspect garments accessories so that they may pick out defectives during sewing. Because there may be few defectives in. This practice mostly likely avoids problematic goods flowing to next process.

Therefore Garment Accessories inspection is one of vital step in Garments Quality control systems.

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