Ispezione del prodotto in Cina

Ispezione del prodotto in Cina

La tua azienda ha mai bisogno di un'ispezione del prodotto in Cina?? Con la diminuzione del ciclo di vita del prodotto e del time-to-market, la sfida di consegnare prodotti di qualità in tempo aumenterà. If a product is found to not meet the acceptable quality specifications for the marketplace – either when or late within the production stage – the result is often loss of product and revenues, delayed shipment or wasted materials, and also the potential risk of a product recall.

What is a Product Inspection in China?

A product inspection in China is that the verification of product quality to pre-identified quality specifications before, throughout or when the assembly method. before the producing method, raw materials are often inspected to spot if the materials themselves meet specifications. throughout the producing method, product are inspected at the manufactory to verify that quality necessities and specifications are being met. when production, product are often inspected before loading and unloading to verify that the approved final product is shipped and received consistent with the buyer’s necessities. Inspections throughout the varied stages of production will facilitate each vendee and makers monitor that quality necessities for the merchandise are being met and support on-time delivery of quality product.

What are the key benefits?

A product inspection in China will assist your company to:
1.Strengthen and defend your whole image and name.
2.Improve performance of suppliers and merchandise quality to attenuate product loss, rejects, charge backs and recollects.
3.Drive continuing improvement of quality systems and performance to learn each the customer and producer.
4.Protect sales revenue by serving to stop late shipments, che potrebbe ridurre significativamente la possibilità di contenzioso commerciale, che potrebbe ridurre significativamente la possibilità di contenzioso commerciale.

Ispezione del prodotto in Cina

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