3 Importanti ispezioni QC in diverse fasi di produzione

3 Importanti ispezioni QC in diverse fasi di produzione

Molti importatori tendono a concentrarsi solo sulle ispezioni finali di controllo qualità prima della spedizione. tuttavia, ci sono diversi punti di contatto per le ispezioni QC lungo il ciclo di produzione.

Ecco 3 importanti ispezioni QC in diverse fasi di produzione:

1)Controllo materiali/componenti in entrata (in fabbrica)

Il subfornitore consegna il materiale, o le barre d'acciaio, o il PCBA, o un altro stile di componente che è la chiave per realizzare un buon prodotto. Si lascia che la fabbrica di assemblaggio lo tagli, saldarlo, o in altro modo incorporarlo nel prodotto finale?
A common problem in China is that the lack of incoming quality inspection. Most factories take what their suppliers send to them, simply because ‘in any case, we’ve no time to resend the materials to them’. The issue is, the severity of any quality problem goes up exponentially once it concerns the entire product, instead of simply a component.
Ensuring suppliers do a correct job of checking their incoming parts is extraordinarily necessary if you identify this sort of risk for your product.

2)In-line / in-process QC inspections (in fabbrica)

Another QC inspection that may catch serious problems before it’s too late is that the in-line inspection (often called “in-process inspection” in garment, where it is extraordinarily common).
A lot of things may fail once producing has started, and factories don’t always communicate regarding it. Here again, the “we got to ship quickly and that they will definitely notice a delay, whereas they may not notice a number of quality problems” logic may need disastrous consequences.
Similarly, they may not absolutely understand the buyer’s quality specifications, and it’s an excellent time to catch & fix this misunderstanding in expectations. An early feedback/warning system is perfect!

3)Final random inspection (in fabbrica)

This is the foremost common style of QC inspections. It’s the last time problems will get caught and fixed by the manufacturer – afterward, several excuses may appear (“it probably appeared whereas the products were in the container”) and responsibility gets diluted.
Everything are checked: The quantity, the average product quality, the conformity of the packing, confezione, and labelling parts, eccetera.

Following a correct sampling & picking procedure is extraordinarily necesssary, and plenty of shortcuts are taken at this stage. This can be once most of the “behaviour problems” on the inspector’s aspect crop up.
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