Kuidas teha toote pakendikontrolli?

Kuidas teha toote pakendikontrolli?

Toote pakendamise eesmärk on kaitsta tooteid. Nii et toote pakendikontroll peab kinnitama, et see on otstarbekas kasutamiseks ja tingimustes ladustatud, et minimeerida saastumise ja riknemise riski. Seetõttu on toote pakendi kontrollimine sama oluline kui toote enda kontrollimine.

Kuidas teha toote pakendi kontrolli?

1. Veenduge, et toote pakend vastab spetsifikatsioonile.

2. Hinnake toote pakendit otstarbekohasuse suhtes.

3. Product packaging should be free from staples and other items likely to cause product contamination.

4. Product packaging should be removed from outer packaging outside production areas to eliminate risks of product contamination.

5. Perform drop test should the client requires it. Or it is for mail box.


Product packaging inspection

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