Kuidas töötab moetööstuse keskmise suurusega tehas QC-süsteemis?

Kuidas töötab moetööstuse keskmise suurusega tehas QC-süsteemis?

Kuidas töötab moetööstuse keskmise suurusega tehas QC-süsteemis?

Kuna enamik meie tehaseid on keskmise suurusega või väikese suurusega tehased, nende kvaliteedikontrolli süsteem töötab niimoodi:

On olemas liinikontrollihaldur, või nimetatakse liinipeaks, või kutsutakse grupijuhiks, mis iganes selle nimi on, on tavaliselt tööliini kõige kogenum inimene. Ta võtab liini eest vastutuse, kõike sellest. Seega on ta kõige hõivatum inimene ja teenib kõige rohkem palka. The most difficult thing for him/her is how to balance the quality and quantity. If he/she always focuses on quantity and has to rework very often, he/she and his/her workers don’t make money; if he/she focuses too much on quality and less in quantity, he/she and his/her workers don’t make money, either, as every worker’s salary is based on pieces he has worked. So he/she is not always performing the inspections on line.

Quite often he/she works too because someone has asked leaving for reasons. He/she needs to speak to the boss for work schedule or plans. He/she needs to train the new workers. Sometimes he/she even needs to negotiate the price with boss. Therefore even he/she makes something wrong, the boss can not speak to him too harshly. Because he/she may take away with him/her the workers of the whole line. And now we are short of workers, which is the situation our country faces, not only in fashion industry.

What is the QC system of huge factories?

There are some factories working very well in QC system. They are usually huge factories, cost is high and price is high. They can not meet our markets at all.That is the main reason we have always problems in quality. Under this condition, it is not enough to do a FRI. A Dupro check is always helpful to find the problems the earliest and then talk about the correction plan, which seems to be the best way to get a good shipment.

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