Werksaudits vs.. Produktinspektionen

Werksaudits vs.. Produktinspektionen

Es gibt einige Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschiede zwischen Werksaudits und Produktinspektionen.

Hier sind die wichtigsten Ähnlichkeiten für Werksprüfungen vs.. Produktinspektion.

  • Sie werden vor Ort durchgeführt , in der Produktionsstätte. Hiervon gibt es Ausnahmen (E-Audits, Überprüfung einiger Beispiele…), Sie sind jedoch Ausnahmen.
    • Es bestehen Transplantationsrisiken. Das Befolgen eines Verhaltenskodex könnte ein Muss sein.
    • Eine Liste ist manchmal die Idee der Arbeit des Mitarbeiters. Sie haben eine Neigung, viele Details für Inspektionen zu sein.
    • Facts and information have to be compelled to be force from real-world proof, as a basis for judgement and selections.
    • They usually add a team once there’s an excessive amount of work for one person.
    • Reports highlight negative findings. This can be a bit less true for auditors who may also highlight smart practices.
    • Business selections are created on the idea of audit and inspection reports.

    Main differences: factory audits vs. QC Inspection

  • Inspectors have to be compelled to follow their list strictly. Some auditors follow a lot of ‘free style’ approach, basedprinciples alone.
    • Auditors want bettersocial skills, so as to extract info tactfully from the auditees.
    • Inspectors usually work in stressful circumstances. There are usually disputes with the factory workers.
  • A single unsuccessful audit may be enough to prevent, or prevent, a business relationship. It always takes a succession of unsuccessful inspectionreports to possess that impact.
    • Audits typically drive long-termimprovement through corrective action plans. Inspections drive short-term fixes through correction plans.
    • Inspectors have to take several photos. This can be not continuously the case for auditors.
    • Inspectors have to be familiar with the merchandise being checked. Several auditors don’t have any clue concerning the processes at play within the organizations they visit (and in some cases that’s a problem).
    • Many auditors are certified.
    • Granted, these are broad generalizations. There are a lot of commonalities between some second-party ‘tick-the-box’ audits and a few inspections, than between those self same audits some kinds of third-party audits. Completely different corporations have different views of however a ‘factory audit’ is to be conducted.
    • Some corporations like their auditors to counsel improvement actions, whereas others don’t like that concept. Ähnlich, some corporations need the inspector to follow informed corrections whereas he’s within the factory and guide the factory workers on what to try to to, whereas others believe this may cause undesired side effects.

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