Hvordan man laver tøj Elastisk inspektion?

Hvordan man laver tøj Elastisk inspektion?

Beklædningsgenstands elastiske inspektion er at kontrollere, hvilken type elastik der skal bruges, længde og bredde af elastikken, der skal bruges, samt hvordan den bruges i beklædningsgenstande.

Der er tre grundlæggende typer elastik: flettet, vævet og strikket. Disse refererer til, hvordan garnene er sat sammen, og de forskellige konstruktionsmetoder giver de resulterende elastikker forskellige egenskaber. Så hvilken slags elastik du skal bruge er den første ting at overveje.

Garments Elastic Inspection
Garments Elastic Inspection

One important thing for Elastic is length of elastic used in the size of garment. You should consider both the relax length and extended length. Then grade elastic length according to garment sizes.

The other important thing to consider with elastic is the width. Because elastics come in all kinds of widths, fra 1/4 inch to 3 inch and up. Your pattern will typically specify which width of elastic to use. Imidlertid, in general thinner elastics are used for things like swimwear and necklines, while wider elastic is used for waistbands for skirts and pants.

Garments Elastic Inspection checklist

  • Elastic, Ribbing or Stings must extend to the fullest width of the fabric without stitches breaking or binding on the body.
  • Tunneled elastic must be stitched down or tacked to prevent twisting and rollover.
  • Strings, laces and other ties must not constitute a strangulation hazard.

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