Beklædningsgenstande udskrives Inspektion

Beklædningsgenstande udskrives Inspektion

Beklædningsgenstande udskrives, kendt som direkte til beklædningstryk, er udskrivningen udført til beklædningsgenstande såsom logo print og design print. Det er udskrivningen, der adskiller sig fra stofudskrivning, som normalt udskrives kontinuerligt på stoffet. Beklædningsgenstande er udskrifter til beklædningsgenstande. Tøjtryk har Digital Garment-tryk, Serigrafi og varmeoverførselstryk.

Beklædningsudskrivning med en digital inkjetprinter er Digital Garment-udskrivning.

Skærmprint, også kendt som silketryk, is one of the most popular and common techniques that garment manufacturers use to print designs on garments. The method involves applying ink directly onto the fabric through a silk mesh screen, and printers use a different screen for each color in the design.

Heat Transferring Printing is the process of applying an ink-based design (usually one printed on a sheet of special transfer paper) to the product to be decorated (usually a t-shirt) with a heat press machine. As the name implies, a heat press works by using heat and pressure to apply the design to garment. This article I introduce the points to inspect garments prints.

Garments Prints Inspection

The colours of prints must be correct

The edges of prints must be sharp, no bleeding

The position of prints must be correct, no off-printing between printed layers

The prints must be colourfast

The surface of prints must be smooth, no pits, no bubbles

The prints must be stabilized, especially for prints on knitted fabric, not broken when it is stretched. The transparent base print must be elastic material paste such as silica gel.

Garments Prints Inspection-off prints
Garments Prints Inspection-off prints

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