Kako spremeniti barvo logotipa?

Kako spremeniti barvo logotipa?

Kadar barva logotipa ne ustreza zahtevam stranke, kaj naj dela tovarna oblačil?

Overlapping logo print

What they try to do is, izdelava logotipa za prenos toplote, na prejšnji logotip, pritiskanje s toplotnim pritiskom, nato se logotip prenese na tkanino, da prekriva prvotni oranžni. Toda ugotovil sem, da barva ponatisa še ni bila pravilna. Bila je bela z modrikasto, in površina ponatisnjenega logotipa se zdi nekoliko drugačna, although it is reflective effect. Več kot to, The font seems bold than the original one. I am also worried about the colourfastness to wash of the print will be affected. Although the factory says they are still trying to reprint it this way, they can match the colour better and make the font a little bit slim as the original one.

I am not optimistic about this way as the quantity is many. When the worker operates the heat transferring process, the position must be exactly correct. Any tiny movement will make the logo seem worse. And there are 2 logos of them, one on chest and the other on back. Any one of the logo is worse, then the jacket is a defective. So the risk of this operation is big.

logo print

Keeping logo print as it is

I have compared them carefully once more, the original print is in good reflective, better than the approved one. Reflective makes shining, in different direction, it appears different colour. My suggestion is, you have good shipment sample as well as bad shipment sample on hand, you can re-evaluate the colour shade variation of logos, considering accept this shipment with some conditions, or persuade the client to accept it.

By the way, one of the possible reasons is, the dyestuff of the fabric transferred to the printing stuff during the solidifying time of print. This happens under some conditions.


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