Kako upravljati nadzor kakovosti v vašem malem podjetju

Kako upravljati nadzor kakovosti v vašem malem podjetju

Vodenje nadzora kakovosti ni tako težko, kot ljudje mislijo, da je, in vam kasneje prihrani veliko časa in denarja. Vsako podjetje, ne glede na to, kako majhni ste ali s katero trgovino se ukvarjate, lahko koristijo nadzor kakovosti. Kako lahko začnete izvajati pobude QC v vašem majhnem podjetju? Preberite ta članek, če želite izvedeti.

Zakaj bi morali upravljati nadzor kakovosti?

Tradicionalno, tiny organizations are less seemingly to utilize strategic management models and strategic designing ideas than giant organizations for several reasons: (1) Small organizations are typically family-owned; (2) Small business leaders are typically a lot of centered on daily operations as opposition management models and strategic management systems; (3) Small businesses have less money to pay on training; in (4) Their competitors usually operate the approach they are doing – while not victimization management models and implementing improvement systems. Also, entrepreneurs who develop small businesses sometimes have very little want to ascertain routine processes and procedures.
Although not several small businesses have a strategic management model in place, AiT believes that even if a lot of work has to be done initially, small businesses owners will and should manager quality control standards and processes. Why? “It’s the last line of fact-checking and assurance of quality before a product, service or data a couple of company goes public.”

Here are tips for managing quality control simply and effectively in your small business:

Standardize Quality Control with Processes
The easiest way to manager QC is to standardize everything from begin to complete. A way to form standardization is to write a process that may be distributed to staffs who are responsible for QC.
Create Checkpoints
Since QC may be a revenant task, staffs responsible of this task ought to register with a project manager throughout the QC process. The manager will facilitate improve and proper errors within the process as it’s being conducted, so as to minimize time spent troubleshooting presently.

Maintain Flexibility
Flexibility is vital for QC. Particularly for small businesses and entrepreneurs, processes and procedures would require revision and improvement. The flexibility to include worker feedback into your QC processes is important.
• Review every company, service or product doubly.
• Compare discrepancies between reviews and right-size information.
• Check-in with project manager on status and process.
• QC printed content.

This article proposes various management models that small business leaders can use to integrate quality initiatives into the strategic management of their organizations. In so doing, they can increase the probability of their organization’s long-term survival.

upravljanje nadzora kakovosti

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