Kaj je inšpekcijski nadzor kakovosti?

Kaj je inšpekcijski nadzor kakovosti?

Kot vemo, inšpekcijski nadzor kakovosti se najbolj uporablja v mednarodni trgovini. Običajno, nadzor kakovosti opravi neodvisna agencija za nadzor kakovosti ali lastni inšpektorji kupca.

Kaj je pregled kakovosti?

Izraz "inšpekcija" se na splošno nanaša na dejavnost preverjanja izdelkov, medtem ko se "revizija" nanaša na analizo proizvodnih procesov in organizacij. Inšpektor kakovosti običajno sledi vnaprej določenemu kontrolnemu seznamu, ki temelji na specifikacijah izdelka. Pregledani izdelki so lahko komponente, ki se uporabljajo za proizvodnjo, polizdelki, ali (most often) finished goods before shipment to a customer.

ISO 2859 standard (derived from MIL-STD 105 E) defines an inspection as an “activity such as measuring, examining, testing or gauging one or more characteristics of a product or service, and comparing the results with specified requirements in order to establish whether conformity is achieved for each characteristic”.

I wrote this article to provide guidance to importers who source finished goods from suppliers.

An important concept: why quality inspection earlier is generally better

As a preliminary, I want to emphasize an essential principle of quality management: “the sooner we eliminate errors, the better”.

There are only six ways to deal with defects. They can be either prevented or corrected, and they fall into three broad categories: development, production, and delivery.

The 1:10:100 ratio

Many studies across all industries have demonstrated that there is a cost and time ratio for development:production:delivery of 1:10:100. It means each error will cost 10 times more (in dollars and in time) to fix in production than it would to fix in development, in 100 times more if the error actually reaches the customer.

That’s why checking quality only at the end of production is very risky. But you don’t have to wait until everything is done… As you can see below.

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