Inspectieprocedure voor kledingproducten’ Metingen

Inspectieprocedure voor kledingproducten’ Metingen

Wat als we tijdens de eindcontrole van de voltooide bestelling metingen detecteren die buiten de tolerantie vallen? De meetinspectieprocedure voor afgewerkte goederen wordt ter referentie aangeboden.

Metingen Inspectieprocedure:

  1. Geef de naam van de QC-inspecteur op, datum van de keuring en leveranciersnaam.
  2. Geef het bestelnummer op:, kleur, hoeveelheid en leveringsdatum:.
  3. Specificeer de maten die gemeten moeten worden, de code (symbool) voor elke meetpositie en meting in cm (inch).
  4. Specificeer de tolerantielimiet voor elke meting.
  5. When going do the measuring, use 12 fields (3 rows and 4 columns) for every size (see Fig.4).
  6. Measure the first 4 pieces and if the measurement is correct than mark with √ into the empty field, but if the measurement is bigger or smaller, than mark +/- to show how many cm is the difference than the required one.
  7. If there is no measurements out of tolerance, than continue with the next size, but if there are measurements out of tolerance, than measure another 4 pieces from the same size. If there are more pieces with measurements out of tolerance, than repeat the same procedure third time. If there are still peaces with measurements out of tolerance, than after the third time the order needs to be blocked and repaired.
  8. The problem should be explained in the field for comments and the possible problem solving solution should be proposed. Until the next inspection, the sign FAIL in the report needs to be marked.

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