Kakšne so značilne napake pri pregledu pletenih tkanin?

Kakšne so značilne napake pri pregledu pletenih tkanin?

Sledi seznam nekaterih pogosto pojavljenih pomanjkljivosti, ugotovljenih pri pregledu pletenih tkanin. Te napake pri tkanini so običajno posledica okvare pletilnega stroja, lahko pa so tudi posledica napak preje ali nepravilnega barvanja tkanin, tiskanje ali dodelava.

Defects in knitted fabric inspection

Barre – streaks or bands in the fabric, posledica razlik v velikosti preje, napetost na preji ali tkanini, barva, lesk ali krčenje, z enega dela tkanine na sosednje območje. The bands are horizontal and are found only in weft knit fabrics.

Birdseye ali Tucking Defect – unintentional tucking caused by a bent latch on the latch needle or by the needle not being raised to the proper height for the old loop then to be case off.

Boardy – very harsh or stiff hand, caused by stitches being too tight or yarn being too thick.

Bowing – design or line effect which curves across the fabric, distortion caused by the take-up mechanism of the knitting machine, or through malfunctions in tentering.

Broken Filaments ali Preja –this defect is self-explanatory, which means one or more filaments or yarns are broken.

Cockled Fabric – fabric puckers and does not lie flat; caused by uneven stitches or uneven yarn size.

Drop stitch – an unknitted stich, caused by a stich being too loose or the yarn carrier not being set properly.

Float – unwanted miss-stitch(es) caused by needle(s) not raised to receive a new yarn.

Needle Line – lengthwise marks or lines in the fabric resulting from a wale which is tighter or looser than the others. This is caused by a needle being tight in the slot or from a defective sinker.

Press-Off – large hole in the fabric, caused by a yarn breaking at a particular feed so knitting cannot occur.

Run ali Ladder – a series of dropped stitches in a wale.

Skewing – design or line effect which is straight across in the fabric, but not perpendicular to the fabric edges.

Sleazy – term used to describe a flimsy or under-constructed knit fabric, one lacking in “body”.

Stop Mark – a horizontal fabric streak resulting from when the knitting machine was stopped. It is caused by a tension difference in the yarns.

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