Kako pregledati pregled darilnega kompleta?

Kako pregledati pregled darilnega kompleta?

Pregled darilnega kompleta je pogost v industriji obrti in obrti. Predmeti za umetnost in obrt spadajo med različne izdelke in so pogosto pakirani skupaj z nekaj predmeti kot darilni set, vsak je iz različnih materialov, therefore it is hard to perform the inspection with a solid criteria. Več kot to, the inspection unit is a set, not a piece, so the inspector must have a whole view of quality for the set instead of individual quality opinion. Vendar, it still involves some important rules for gift set inspection.

Gift Set Inspection-Inspect the following for each of units:

  1. Each gift set contains several items based off of the details provided as specification. The quantity for every item must be correct.
  2. All items are not broken, especially for those gift set with glass items in.
  3. All contains are secure in their dedicated spaces
  4. There are no long/large scratches on wooden box or gift box.
  5. If the wooden box is swirled around, none of the contains inside are loose or moving around
  6. Units are clean and do not have any weird odor.

Drop test for Gift Set Inspection

Drop test is necessary for gift set inspection.

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