Kakšne so omejitve nadzora med proizvodnjo?

Kakšne so omejitve nadzora med proizvodnjo?

Med proizvodnjo ima nadzor nekatere omejitve, kot so spodaj:

  1. Kontrola med proizvodnjo ne zajema povprečne kakovosti končnih izdelkov. Na primer, v oblačilni industriji je zadnji proces izdelkov rezanje koncev niti, se uredi tik pred pakiranjem izdelkov. Neobrezani konci sukanca so običajne manjše napake na modnem področju, vendar med kontrolo proizvodnje tega ni bilo mogoče najti.
  2. Samo po sebi ni dovolj. Tovarna lahko ugotovi nekatere težave, hide them away from the inspector, and then ship them out. This is why an inspection during production should be followed by afinal random inspection, to confirm average quality.
  3. For sensitive projects, the factory might need some guidance from the beginning of production. This is the work of a technician capable of setting up processes as required.
  4. In certain cases production takes place on multiple lines or even in multiple factories. One inspector will not be able to get an idea of average quality in one day… He should stay for longer and monitor both production schedule and quality.
  5. Very often labeling and packing cannot be checked properly. Chinese factories tend to receive packing accessories towards the end of production (because there are always amendment for labeling or packing till the end of production).

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