Kaip rasti gerą drabužių inspektorių?

Kaip rasti gerą drabužių inspektorių?

Kaip rasti gerą drabužių inspektorių? Amerikos drabužių kompanija, kurią pažįstu viršininkui daugelį metų. Jis žavisi mano patirtimi ir patirtimi drabužių tikrinimo srityje, tačiau skundžiasi dėl išlaidų, kol vieną kartą gavo palyginimą. Jis pasamdė inspektorių, kuris atliktų patikrinimą prieš išsiuntimą, ir laiku gavo ataskaitą. Rezultatas apskritai buvo nesėkmingas, o viduje buvo didelių defektų, bet nedideli defektai viršijo 2 jų, dauguma smulkių defektų yra neapkarpyti siūlų galai, dirty stain and something like that. As he had received shipment samples earlier he suspected the inspection result. Then he thought of me and hired me to do a second inspection.

When he received my report he sent me the first report for me to look at. He told me there indeed be huge difference between expertise inspections and un-expertise inspections, or say a real inspection and a false inspection. My inspection result was failed too, but the main reason was Major defects as size problems, shape problems and makes(although there were many untrimmed thread ends). It was one of the worst product that I have ever inspected. But from the first inspect report it seemed quite good although it was with the“failingresult.

So these three things may help you find a good clothing inspector

  1. The inspector should understand clothing quality, apparel process, not every clothing inspector really knows clothing;
  2. Compare his/her inspection report with shipment samples in every details. If you have any points which are not clear, ask him/her;
  3. Observe the overall inspection report. Does it focus on quality, or seems like to focus on quality, that is of big difference.drabužių inspektorius

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