Baldų tikrinimo paslaugos

Baldų tikrinimo paslaugos

Dėl baldų tikrinimo paslaugų, visi nauji baldai turėtų būti pažymėti nuolatinėmis etiketėmis, su atitikties informacija ir įspėjamaisiais teiginiais.

„AiT“ teikia kiekvieno elemento baldų tikrinimo paslaugas:

  • Assembly Checks
  • Colors
  • Finishings
  • Packaging
  • Appropriate Label Assessments

AiT is a reliable agency for providing independent third-party inspection and testing services. However our services don’t merely start and stop with check of the merchandise alone. Also AiT can inspect your entire supply chain from the sourcing, manfacturing, and final delivery.

We can check at each stage and angle of your process offering:

  1. Factory Evaluations
  2. Pradinis gamybos patikrinimas – Our inspectors inspect by random sampling the raw materials and parts in production. Because an Initial production check is the first step in ensuring the quality of your product.
  3. Per gamybos patikrinimą – Kai prasideda gamyba, AiT will check the quality of raw materials and components. And then AiT will check the quality of the first few finished units. This service ensures that the factory will use appropriate production techniques.
  4. Final Random InspectionsAiT will inspect the selected samples at random against your specifications. And this inspection involves a close check covering such items as construction, meistriškumas, spalva, kvapas, matavimas, funkcija, pakuotės, ženklinimas etiketėmis, ir pan.

By employing an independent inspection and testing partner like AiT, therefore quality concerns will be identified and controlled at the very source.

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