Gamybos kokybė

Gamybos kokybė

Už gamybos kokybę, mūsų pagrindinis tikslas yra įsitikinti, kad produktas laiku pristatomas reikiamo kokybės lygio.

Jūsų gamybos procesas sukurtas iš ilgos atskiros ir tikriausiai sudėtingos veiklos grandinės.

Kokybės problemos kils ir jūs ketinate padaryti viską, kad jų sumažintumėte, it’s something that you have to deal with.

The challenge of making sure high quality in manufacturing will increase once the manufacturing of your goods are been finished in different locations of your company or by a contractor. In each cases, your quality inspection over quality of process is limited.

Let us review the 7 most important rules for quality in manufacturing that you just got to have in mind:

Independence and Control
Test checkpoints throughout the production process
Analyzing the testing information
Time is of the essence
“Pass” or “Fail” doesn’t make the grade
Visibility of the whole manufacturing
Being alerted once something goes wrong

kokybė gamyboje

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