Kliimaseadmete kolmanda osapoole testimine

Kliimaseadmete kolmanda osapoole testimine

Gree Electric Appliances Inc süüdistas Aux Groupi nõuetele mittevastavate kliimaseadmete tootmises ja müümises. Tundub, et sel suvel kütavad kaks kliimaseadmete tootjat enne 6.18 ostufestival, mille lõi e-kaubanduse hiiglane JD.com oma aastapäeva tähistamiseks. Mõlema poole teadaannetest, näeme, et Gree'l on samm-sammult piisavalt tõendeid, mis näitab, et nad on selle ette valmistanud eesmärgiga, kuigi nad ise eitasid seda. Nii kaugel, Gree on seda teinud 3 sammud, to gather the evidences to be against Aux.
1. Gree has bought Aux products, to test them in their own testing facilities, to get some evidences.
2. Gree has sent some samples, to a third party testing agent, to get more evidences.
3. Gree takes apart Aux products publicly, to get direct evidences.

Third party testing agent role

The third party testing reports, surely will be presented to the regulator, are one of the most important evidences. Igatahes, customers all will benefit from their battle.

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