Rõivaste ülevaatus

Rõivaste ülevaatus

Rõivad koguvad erinevaid komponente, näiteks kangast, õmblusniidid, nupud, trimmib, jne. Riiete kvaliteedistandard sõltub rõivaste tootmise iga etapi õigest kontrollimisest. Kvaliteeditaseme säilitamiseks tuleb kontrollida rõivaste tootmise kõiki samme. Seda protseduuri nimetatakse rõivakontrolliks. Rõivaste ülevaatus on kvaliteetsete riiete jaoks äärmiselt vajalik. Rõivaste äris, seal on 3 rõivaste ülevaatuse etapid.

Rõivaste kontrollimise etapid on järgmised:

1. Kanga ülevaatus:

Me kõik mõistame seda, rõiva peamiseks tooraineks on kangas. The fabric is that the main material for garment manufacturing. That the fabric is inspected terribly rigorously within the fashion industry. Ettevõtte juhid tagavad .. 4.0 points system and 10 points system are used for fabric inspection. The 4.0 point system is used for higher quality fabric and 10 points system is used for comparative poor quality fabric.

2. In Line Inspection:

The inspection, that is carried out before collecting all the part of a garment is known as in line inspection. In line inspection is additionally called in process inspection. This is often the long inspection method thanks to whole production inspection is finished during this method. Seega, in line inspection is extremely necessary for garment inspection system.
The in line inspection is carried in following sections:
a.Cutting Section
b.Sewing Section
c.Finishing Section

3. Final Inspection:

Final Inspection is the system that is carried on a whole garment manufacturing. Before this stage, a part of a garment or an incomplete garment is inspected. Niisiis, final inspection is extremely necessary from client purpose of read. Size of clothes fitting and different defects is inspected throughout final inspection. There are numerous systems for final inspection.

rõivaste ülevaatus

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