Kilka praktycznych porad dotyczących nowych epidemii koronawirusa

Kilka praktycznych porad dotyczących nowych epidemii koronawirusa


Wydaje się, że wybuch nowego koronawirusa na całym świecie jest wydarzeniem o dużym prawdopodobieństwie. Pierwszym etapem infekcji wirusowej jest błona śluzowa człowieka, więc nos, usta i oczy mogą zostać zakażone aerozolem, krople wody i dotykanie rąk. Jest inny sposób na zainfekowanie lub nie, a okres inkubacji nie jest jeszcze pewny. Podsumowuję kilka praktycznych rad, które możesz chronić siebie i swoje rodziny. You can pass to anybody you know.

6 tips to prepare now

  1. Avoid going to public places and the places without ventilating as possible as you can.
  2. If you have to go out, have protections on. The best protection is wearing goggles and N95 Mask. The infection is a possibility, so wearing a normal glasses is better than nude eyes, even a normal mask(if no N95, no surgical ones) is better than nothing. Glasses and mask can protect the sprays when you speak to somebody face to face. ( I heard European people are not used to wearing mask as they think only sick person needs. TAk, sick person wears a mask is to protect others and environment, but the healthy person wears it to protect himself)
  3. Wash your hands as often as possible, always change or take off your coats when you go inside your room, and rinse your glasses.
  4. Do not make panic purchase for medicines(there is not special medicine at all), but prepare some masks(surgical mask is good enough), disinfectant or antiseptics( any kind is ok).
  5. Prepare some food. I prepared the food for about one month.
  6. Keep good mood, and you have immunity, and that is the best medicine for any virus.

I Do hope all are okay. And this condition ends shortly.





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