Podczas kontroli produkcji vs.. Monitorowanie produkcji

Podczas kontroli produkcji vs.. Monitorowanie produkcji

Niektórzy importerzy zauważają, że muszą uważnie obserwować produkcję, takie jak Podczas kontroli produkcji vs. Monitorowanie produkcji. A potem mogą wykryć problemy wcześniej, co jest znacznie tańsze niż później. Często jest to podejście, które zdecydowanie sugeruję.

For During Production Check vs. Monitorowanie produkcji, tam są 2 ways in which of checking production closely:

  1. Taking many snapshots on the production cycle, by 1-day inspections,
  2. Gazing the motion-picture show because it unfolds, by stationing one technician within the factory for a certain period.

Tu są 2 solutions for your reference:

  1. Podczas kontroli produkcji

The idea is to send a technician or engineer to a plant, typically for at some point on every occasion. When to do it? The key’s to identify the main risks in production. Here may be a generic illustration that applies to several product lines:

(Note that the production of sub-suppliers also can be inspected. It doesn’t essentially all take place within the same facility.)

If serious problems are found, the following sequence are often followed:

  • The inspector problems a Corrective Action Request(CAR),
  • The quality manager will push the provider to organize a Corrective Action Plan(CAP) and provides comments regarding it,
  • The inspector checks if the CAP has been applied effectively.

(Note that most Chinese inspectors are capable of issuing a CAR then checking if a CAP is effective, however fewer of them will ensure the CAP projected by the provider — in most cases this is often done by a high quality engineer or a high quality manager.) For more information about during production check, please read this article.

  1. Monitorowanie produkcji

Instead of sending an inspector at many times during production, for big or complex orders it makes sense to station one technician/engineer in the “main factory”. He can do everything that an inspector does (see part 1), whereas keeping an eye on what happens each day.

Typically he goes to the main subcontractors to inspect production status and quality. jednak, generally the provider refuses to disclose this information. Since this stationed technician will provides a “movie” instead of a number of “photos” regarding matters, he will came upon a Gantt chart that shows, for every production step, expected and actual dates.

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